Assignment 1 solution

  1. What is HTML?

    HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a fundamental building block of the web. Here's what you need to know: Structure of Web Pages: HTML defines the structure of web pages. It's like the skeleton of a website. However, HTML alone doesn't make a page look good or interactive. We need other technologies like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for styling and JavaScript for interactivity. Breaking Down the Abbreviation: Hypertext: Text (including images) organized to connect related items. Markup: A style guide for typesetting content (whether printed or digital). Language: A computer-understandable system for interpreting commands. So, HTML organizes text and embeds to create web pages. HTML Tags and Elements: HTML uses tags to define how content appears. An element consists of an opening tag, content, and a closing tags. Attributes: Tags can have attributes (e.g., class, id, style). Attributes provide additional information about an element. Semantic HTML: Beyond structure, HTML can be semantic. Semantic tags give meaning to content. They improve accessibility and help search engines understand your page. In summary, HTML is the foundation of web development. It structures content, and when combined with CSS and JavaScript, it brings websites to life!

  2. Define HTML boilerplate code.

    An HTML boilerplate is a pre-written template for web projects. It includes essential elements like the DOCTYPE declaration, HEAD section (with metadata), and a basic Body structure.
    It's a solid foundation to kickstart your HTML files!

  3. Differentiate between the Ordered and Unordered lists.

    Let's explore the differences between ordered and unordered lists in HTML: Ordered Lists (Numbered Lists): Ordered lists display items in a specific order. They use numbers (or other ordered markers) to indicate item sequence. Common use cases: steps in a process, rankings, or numerical lists. Unordered Lists (Bullet Lists): Unordered lists present related items without a specific order or hierarchy. They use bullet points (default style) to separate list items. Common use cases: lists of features, options, or related concepts. Remember, ordered lists emphasize order, while unordered lists focus on grouping without a specific sequence. Choose the one that suits your content! 🌟📝

  4. Write a short description of yourself, what you do, and what got you inspired about coding.

    I am Muhammad Oseni, a 15-year-old creative genius hailing from the bustling city of Lagos. When he's not busy outsmarting his peers in the latest video game, he's knee-deep in the world of tech and coding, crafting designs that would make even the most seasoned pros tip their hats. Inspired by the likes of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, Muhammad has his sights set on revolutionizing the tech industry. And how did he start this journey, you ask? By diving headfirst into the coding universe, fueled by a passion for innovation and a can-do attitude that's as infectious as a viral meme. So, if you're ever in need of a fresh, creative designer or just want to geek out about the latest tech trends, Muhammad's your go-to guy. Just don't challenge him to a gaming duel unless you're prepared for a masterclass in digital domination. Keep an eye on this one, classmates; he's going places!

  5. Create an unordered list containing six(6) favourite places of your choice and an ordered list containing seven(7) favourite foods of choice.

    1. Jollof Rice
      Jollof Rice
    2. Garri
    3. Fried Rice
    4. Ewa Aganyin
    5. White Rice
    6. Pizza
    7. Shawarma